Advance on a joint of natural sciences, mathematics and the humanities: the general economic theory is created! (Прорыв на стыке естествознания, математики и гуманитарных наук: создана общеэкономическая теория!

The dear visitor of this site! Everyone know, that great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was by a trade the doctor. Alexander Porfirevich Borodin was the chemist, but has become famous as the ingenious composer, the author of an immortal opera "Prince Igor" .Аcademisian Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov was the outstanding physicist, one of founders of the Soviet nuclear weapon, but the final period of the life has devoted to public activity. This list can be continued... Now it is possible to add it the professor of chemistry who seriously has taken a great interest in political economy! This person - professor Vladislav Feldbloom from Yaroslavl (Russia). It has come to conclusion, that such important and complex science as the political economy, cannot and cook further in own juice. It can develop only as mathematical and interdisciplinary scientific discipline. Professor Feldbloom, being by a trade not the economist, and the chemist and the technologist, is a lot of years without discontinuing from the basic work deeply studied economy, mathematics, history, philosophy, psychology. It also was a basis of its success.
Only now the most complicated scientific problem which have put before itself still Marx and Engels is solved. They and could not solve up to the end it because of limitation of scientific means and insufficiency of historical experience at that time. Now it became possible. It needed a modern level of scientific knowledge of the nature, the person, a society. Non-standard approaches and interdisciplinary researches on a joint of the sciences were required. Application of methods of natural sciences and mathematics in the humanities was required. The analysis and generalization of huge experience of the newest history from Marx-Engels times up to now were required.
Professor Vladislav Feldbloom continues and develops Marx''s economic doctrine with reference to modern historical conditions. But not only. It in the same degree considers himself as the continuer of innovative traditions of Vasily Leontjev and Gardiner Means. In Leontev''s opinion, "the modern political economy should fall outside the limits without hesitation usual economic events to which it was limited till now" (Vasily Leontjev, Economic essays, 1966). Has even more expressively formulated Means: "Economists of such type how Nils Boor, de Broil, Geisenberg and Dirak, to revolutionize the economic theory are necessary to us the same as these people revolutionized physics" (G.Means, Corporate revolution in America, 1964). The modern general economic theory answers these expectations.
Unlike habitual to the professional economist macro- and microeconomics, the general economic theory deals with fundamental, most general laws of material production. These laws objectively predetermine all centuries-old social and economic history, and the history at all is not limited to capitalism of our time. The modern general economic theory should explain on strictly scientific basis historical social changes, including and historical events in the world and in Russia during last decades. The theory is obliged not only to describe adequately evens, but also to be capable of scientific proved forecasts, be capable to develop constructive political recommendations. All it is impossible without system-analytical and interdisciplinary approaches, without application of mathematical methods of research in humanities.
The author has tried to solve a new difficult problem - to formulate most the general social and economic laws not only verbally, but also mathematically. The equation of "the animated production function" (APF) is deduced. Unlike traditional production functions, APF includes, alongside with usual macroeconomic variables, psychological factors of motivation of work. It has appeared, that known macroeconomic Cobb-Douglas production function is special case of APF. Moreover, from general APF equation follow, as special cases, production functions of concrete social and economic systems: primitive, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist, ets. This important opening can be compared, for example, to opening Shroedinger''s wave equation in the quantum phisics and chemistry.
He succeeded to formulate the basic economic laws in the mathematical form. Many of these formulations essentially others, than in former political economy. So, the basic economic law of modern capitalism for the first time is formulated. Its difference from the law of a surplus value of Marx, true for capitalism in its early forms, is shown. The basic economic law of socialism and, in particular, its Soviet variant which has appeared constructed in Russia, is in a new fashion formulated. The essence of the concept of communism is in a new fashion opened, its deep communication with the modern concept of a postindustrial society is established. From positions of the new theory the Marx''s concepts of productive forces and relations of production are considered. Marx''s fundamental position about necessity of conformity of relations of production to character and a level of development of productive forces is concretized and specified from modern positions. The comparative analysis of the marxist doctrine about socioeconomic structures and the alternative theory of stages of economic growth is lead.
Translation of all conceptual device of political economy into strict language of mathematics gives the basis to speak about occurrence of a new science - mathematical political economy. Certainly, this science is not intended for exact quantitative calculations of complex socioeconomic processes. But it is important already and that it allows to consider more full all set of social and economic characteristics, to understand their interrelation more deeply. It not only allows to explain centuries-old social and economic history from uniform positions, but also enables to deepen the analysis, opens an opportunity of more proved and reliable forecast. It, in turn, gives true reference points for development of optimum policy on long-term prospect. In 1995 in Yaroslavl the book has been published: V.Sh.Feldbloom, "Towards general economic theory by interaction of sciences" (in Russian). The author worked above this small book about twenty years! It has caused interest. Despite of small circulation, the author has received many letters from readers.
At present there is a new book: Vladislav Feldbloom, "Intrusion in Stronghold (the way of a chemist into the political economy)", Yaroslavl, STC "A boundary" Ltd, 2007 (in Russian). This edition is scientifically-biographic. In the new book the author briefly describes the life and answers the main question of readers: how happens, what the chemist has come to political economy? The author tells about how created the modern general economic theory.
The author demonstratively addresses to those who till now does not trust in a opportunity of creation the theory, who still considers unacceptable use of mathematics in the humanities, who endlessly repeats an impassable precipice between natural sciences and the humanities. It on examples from history of a science shows, that the similar argument of hundred more years was resulted concerning rather complex objects for research which by present time are in details studied and strictly described, including mathematically. It criticizes chronic and fruitless indeterminism, interfering development of the humanities and their gradual approach a degree of scientific severity and reliability to natural sciences and mathematics.
The author polemizes and with those who considers, that presently the general economic theory is not so necessary. It shows, that without modern общеэкономической theories cannot be understood neither events in our country, nor its prospects in a developing world. Nobody cancelled objective laws of socioeconomic development, they continue to operate, and without understanding a society of these laws real movement of the country on a way of progress is impossible. The author shows an inaccuracy of "firm bases" both former Soviet, and present liberal ortodoxy. It proves necessity of overcoming of ideological stamps for development and realizations of optimum social and economic policy. It writes about the understanding of present position in the country and in the world, about the conclusions and forecasts. In the book pressing questions internal and foreign policy are mentioned.
How much daringly the work - to judge to readers. Professor Feldblooum has begun work above the modern general economic theory in 70th years of the left century. Author has received for these years many the most different responses - from enthusiastic up to indignant. Apparently, something has turned out really grave as there are responses in which it is marked, that these researches satisfy to the standard criteria of novelty, urgency and reliability. Certainly, the most important criterion of reliability of any scientific research (including humanitarian) is a conformity of the theory and practice. Here are strong enough position! The modern general economic theory "works", its conclusions and forecasts prove to be true in practice, in a life of a society. The theory can already serve as the effective tool for development of optimum social and economic policy on long-term prospect.
The modern general economic theory is international by the nature. Its object of research, conclusions and forecasts have the world significance. The responsible foreign policy is obliged to consider the radical contradiction of our epoch. It is the contradiction between objectively inevitable globalization, on the one hand, and kept separation of people in the face of accrueing global threats - with another. Today any country cannot already feel in safety, having fenced off from other world the Iron Curtain or the Chinese wall. In such situation also the role of the Russian factor inevitably increases in world politics. For these reasons this book is recommended and to foreign readers.
Certainly, become interested in the book not any reader but only the one who is rather inquisitive, who has wide enough education, who is inclined to read attentively and thoughtfully similar books, who is capable of the unbiassed attitude to them, who is ready to meaningful dialogue. Responses and remarks of such readers are very important for the author. The book is addressed to politicians, scientific, to public figures and everyone who wishes to understand objective social and economic laws to whom the destiny of Russia in the modern and future world is not indifferent.
The book (as well as previous) is not intended for sale. The author has no commercial objectives, and the present information is not commercial. All circulation extends gratuitously under applications of libraries and separate persons.
